now i'll let myself to laying down on you again..

*fer thes 2nd chenge..perheps yew enderstend me deeply*
about him..his the one who i say 'Si Dia Mencuit Di Pagi Hari'..
fer the previous story:

*fer thes 2nd chenge..perheps yew enderstend me deeply*
about him..his the one who i say 'Si Dia Mencuit Di Pagi Hari'..
fer the previous story:
so am i the bad guy now, or what. or im just plain mean, and everybody is suppose to hate me. do you think this is a drama? and why on earth am i being the bad guy?
life doesnt go the way it's suppose to. the way i planned. is it me, or everybody is freaking weird and ?????. yeah i know, people change. but it's just too soon. just in a blink of an eye, everything changes. like what the heck? so soon? i hardly could cherish the moment.
truth to be told, im tired of trying to save everything that's falling apart. so, if you just happen to see me looking at you like you're some sort of a stranger to me, errr, sorry?. and im saying this sincerely right from the core, i give up and im letting go everything. for good, i think. heh :)
life doesnt go the way it's suppose to. the way i planned. is it me, or everybody is freaking weird and ?????. yeah i know, people change. but it's just too soon. just in a blink of an eye, everything changes. like what the heck? so soon? i hardly could cherish the moment.
truth to be told, im tired of trying to save everything that's falling apart. so, if you just happen to see me looking at you like you're some sort of a stranger to me, errr, sorry?. and im saying this sincerely right from the core, i give up and im letting go everything. for good, i think. heh :)
since i've lost kinda lots of guy friends. it's hard to talk my heart out. talk to girls? naah, i dont really do that. barely i mean. it's just too hard to make girls understand some sort of situation. lol. now the only person i can talk to is MR. itupun kalau dia online -.- or maybe..hehe..
statement yang sama "kami masih mengenali hati budi masing2..inysaallah kad akan menyusul.."
keennnn..kau ade?