Hye guys How are ya? I hope everything will be alright..
My life was quite miserable nowadays..
And I seriously feel fucked up with some people around me..
Lately, I'm not talk too much with people around..
It's not because I don't want to talk with you people..
but I seriously have no idea what should I talk about..
So that's why if some people realised that I keep on my silent mode..
So yesterday.. I stayed up until 12:30AM just because make a cake for my officemate order and one card for ABG.. but i were ended up with sms with him.. Actually i've make mistake when he call me.. im just ignore what he wanna talking about.. is about #$%^.. So I wasted A4 papers just because I've lacked of idea to complete the love letter.. Finally, I'm done with the love letter for my lovely Myself.. I think i just wanna keep this letter.. -XOXO-