owh i am so suprise when..
someone told n concern about my bahasa..
means bahasa malaysia..
and more to suprise me is a..he wanted me to learn more about..
bahasa melayu and english writing skills..
this is because im a journalist..
but im not sure that im rare journalist as well..
because im always put myself in the writers position..
means in the bottom of journalist level.. (blushing)..
but, someone said that he love my bahasa..
but, someone said that he love my bahasa..
because i'll keep it up my style of bahasa soon..
it simple and more to street american %^&* style..
owh..now i remembered that..
and i know why a too much people cant accept my joke..
because is to suxx to understand n will..
make others hurt with my bahasa..
's' for someone/ 'm' for me
s: beb, kenapa kau slalu bangga ngan bahasa english?
m: haha..i dint say that im proud of it..why?
s: yelaa..sikit2 nk speak..ckplah melayu, senang nk faham..
m: la..i rojak bahasa la..why? still cant cath up?
s: no, ill got..tp dalam blog janganlah english, tak seronok nak baca..
m: hehe..ok2..insyaallah..but i need a concreat reason for me to change my bahasa..
p/s: how the bahasa will change?