" Don't look back, just go ahead, And accept everything with an open heart. " So yeah.. this morning I had an Id review.. Been busy competing my work for the past few days ever since Friday to be exact.. Work, work, work with some sleeping time too.. of course haha.. Gotta have my beauty sleep ;p I know, I shouldn't be sleeping around this deadline for Id but hey.. my eyes won't co-operate with me, sigh.. Although, I've managed to complete about 6 new perspectives, 2 fully rendered, 2 half rendered and 2 non-rendered.. For the first time, I actually ENJOY drawing home the perspectives and rendering it all, attentively with watercolour.. And it turns quite well ;) I guess, I haven't lost my passion for Id, phew.. Haha, it was funny to have recall the madness night of mine, doing my work while having CA singing in my ears and with me singing along all the songs, including the Spanish (Contigo En La Distancia) ones too, hehe.. I was singing all the way and i...