Kak Ninierina..me & Kak Masturina
Guess what? we still in a raya mood..
So, this will be my adventure for the last day of raya ;) Typical me ;) Went directly to have our lunch but didn't have a good appetite, today. Just ate some nasi and rendang daging with ayam kampong that awee sponsor.. My big sista (ruhaya) asked me to stop eating because we already full... Haha, well I don't mind bcoz I'm not really a full actually but just have a shy with someone hahaha.. So yeah, in the end, my sister just finished the lunch meal and bla bla bla..good thing I didn't attend the ayam kampong tasted..After lunch, we doing some of photoshoot with abang ART camera n my nokia Eseries camera..we try our best pose n hope it will be some of American Next Top Model by next year hahaha :) actually a lot of things n topic was there..and we laughed hard together..but im tooooooooo lazy to upload the picture..LAZY is my middle name sometimes..Ninirina plak..trying harder to put everything on her mouth..OMG! nini can grab n biting the ayam kampong without...lalala(haha secret)
Thanks to Abg ART & Awee..
from left:Kak Mastura, En.Bad, Kak Ninirina, Abg Ucop
from right: Kak Intan, Kak Azie, Abg ART n Awee..
(confuse: that i saw kak azie hv a same taste with kak mastura..means tudung kot..)
from right: Kak Intan, Kak Azie, Abg ART n Awee..
(confuse: that i saw kak azie hv a same taste with kak mastura..means tudung kot..)