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despite my rugged badass rock&roll appearance, deep inside im just a just really tired and stress up really.. i thought i could take a break for a while but actually i have no time at not out looking for anyone to talk about how tired i am or stressful or what shit is it but i just want to be distracted from it for a while.. but as what i could see, as im looking for everyone, nobody is around..nobody asked how am i or am i okai or anything like that.. but people just want to know what actually the problem can be..seems like noone cares. sad!!
i dont even think anyone is really reading this.. maybe 2 or 3 avid readers!! but it seems that maybe ive been living in my world too much..i dont need anyone to tell me ''ohh aww chill relax its okai everyone is like that too blablabla'' i dont need help, i just wanna take a break..ahh well actually i dont even know what i want.. im just really tired thats what carlos tevez once said, ''ehh emotionee ehh ahh ehh ahh 2 weeks u knw 2 weeks''


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