Today is my last datelined at URTV..Oh anyway.. welcome November! Sayonara October..I should be packing right now but I am too lazy for that..Lazy is my middle name sometimes..
Last month
My sister Rohaya at URTV Me
eiz, tau tak cerita Sleeq?
tak.cerita apa? orang putih? Singapore.
oh..owh band?
tak,duo ala2 Evo mentor ni lgi Besttt..dengarlah!
oh ok. (sounded not interested)
My sister (ruhaya) have been crazy over this Singaporean duo sleek which I knew nothing about..she bought these 'Pilihan terbaik Vol:7, pictures, just anything related to that sleek ..She print the posters and hanging on the wall..I thought the singers were so pondan look..So temporary teenage crush..Been there..last2 like a Too phat wow!! owh no i remembered that the sleek is the metadome artist that i found them at cherating baru-baru ye ke?
persis kot..
but u should listen their song..