I do blog walk often.. Most of the times I keep myself updated on my friend's blogs which are mostly I follow on blogger.. Sometimes I do too read random blogs of people I don't know in real life.. Only the good blogs.. School kids blogs, I don't waste my time there..
So about following blogs.. A few days ago a random blogger followed me, well that blogger's photo appeared there on the Follow list.. The next day, that blogger UNfollowed me.. Okay now I got what that blogger meant by 'following' me in the first place.. That blogger actually expected me to follow that blogger's blog back..
I have seen and heard of this thing before.. The 'you follow me, I follow you' thing. Firstly, I follow blogs that I like and I don't follow you just because you followed me.. If I followed you but you didn't follow me back, that is totally fine with me..
I don't really fancy this 'you follow me, I follow you' or ' you comment me, I comment you' and other such things.. To those who don't mind that, then maybe that's fine.. But for me, please if I want to follow you, I would before you even knowing it and the same thing about comments too.. Those who followed me with expectation on me to follow you back.. Please, don't..
My followers, anonymous followers, thank you for following and spare some time reading what I am sharing here. I really appreciate it.
So about following blogs.. A few days ago a random blogger followed me, well that blogger's photo appeared there on the Follow list.. The next day, that blogger UNfollowed me.. Okay now I got what that blogger meant by 'following' me in the first place.. That blogger actually expected me to follow that blogger's blog back..
I have seen and heard of this thing before.. The 'you follow me, I follow you' thing. Firstly, I follow blogs that I like and I don't follow you just because you followed me.. If I followed you but you didn't follow me back, that is totally fine with me..
I don't really fancy this 'you follow me, I follow you' or ' you comment me, I comment you' and other such things.. To those who don't mind that, then maybe that's fine.. But for me, please if I want to follow you, I would before you even knowing it and the same thing about comments too.. Those who followed me with expectation on me to follow you back.. Please, don't..
My followers, anonymous followers, thank you for following and spare some time reading what I am sharing here. I really appreciate it.