Wow, it's 2010 now, new year, new dreams.. On New Year resolutions, I don't really have a list..haha.. Well maybe I could have a wish or two.. I just hope that 2010 brings something different for me, I kinda expect there would be a change though.. And hopefully 2010 brings a grown up me from 2009.. Yeah no fooling around anymore.. Big thing on 2010, I am turning 22.. OLD!
p/s: perkara yang paling kelakar dalam hidup aku..seumor idup aku x penah buat ini "ajak orang dalam myspace yang baru kenal dulu actually Azim yg kenalkan..untuk celebrate NEW YEAR..haha..gile2..tapi tak jadi..sebab aku takot dah nak jumpa mamat tuw..