" Read my smiles and notice that I'm happy :) Don't bother about me, i'm fine. I finally know what I'm doing, I have found the tiny flickering spec of light~* " Oh look at the date! It's almost April already?! How time flies so fast..I am currently trying to fill my empty hours by finishing my design of new room..Yeah, call me lazy..Until now, I only have one completed plan when there are actually 4 altogether.. This can't be happening to me.. Why am I such a lazy ass, lately? I kept wondering about that every single day.. My laziness mood took control over me! No kidding, when my eyes started to give a sign saying that it's tired and a good sleep is needed, I failed to fight against it.. Oh Eiz, time to wake up! Get back to reality, you're in 22 now! And your career is very very very important, you need to catch up with the others! No more playing! Ahhh, I hate myself for being too lazy to do my work, sigh.. When can I ever change? So, apakan...