" Read my smiles and notice that I'm happy :)
Don't bother about me, i'm fine.
I finally know what I'm doing, I have found the tiny flickering spec of light~* "
Oh look at the date! It's almost April already?! How time flies so fast..I am currently trying to fill my empty hours by finishing my design of new room..Yeah, call me lazy..Until now, I only have one completed plan when there are actually 4 altogether.. This can't be happening to me.. Why am I such a lazy ass, lately? I kept wondering about that every single day.. My laziness mood took control over me! No kidding, when my eyes started to give a sign saying that it's tired and a good sleep is needed, I failed to fight against it.. Oh Eiz, time to wake up! Get back to reality, you're in 22 now! And your career is very very very important, you need to catch up with the others! No more playing! Ahhh, I hate myself for being too lazy to do my work, sigh.. When can I ever change?
And yeah, I have to admit being around with the all of you seems to bring colours to my dull life in here.. Aside from being around with my precious roommates, Sie Embross & Erfan Jalifur and my lovely ‘S’.. of course! Not to forget, Aziem and the rest of Eroul, Syuk, Aming, Joe, Adam, Abg Amir too :) I'm gonna miss all of you by the end of this year because im ready to facing Allah s.w.t Isya-Allah :'( And obviously, girlfriends and boyfriends of mine, I miss when we have those happy days together, getting along well and sharing laughter together..
My S and AL I'm glad that we're still okay after what we've been through.. For all that matters, dearest boy, I have never shut you completely in my life and I hope you do the same too.. A heart for you my S and AL :) Like I said, I may not be a person who seems to have the hatred feeling towards everything, I tend to be an easily forgiven person.. You can lie or backstab me or whatsoever, that's okay.. You're forgiven by me but you should know, does God forgive you? So yeah, I only do things what is best for me and what makes me happy.. And well, I can see that I'm pretty much happy now, thank you :)