i remembered when I was 10, it was after recess in school. The discipline teacher made us lined up in the hot sun and told us to clean up the canteen. Some kids didn't keep the canteen clean and we all were punished to do the cleaning job. Pick up the rubbish and stuff. After school, I told my parents about it and the next thing was Dad already wrote a letter of complain addressed to the school to warn them not to make me clean the canteen and stand in the sun. When I was 11, it was Maths class. The teacher told us to wrote the multiplications in the book. From multiply 1 to 12. I already knew all the multiplications by heart so Mom told me not to do it. I insisted of doing it since the teacher said she'll punish those who don't do it. Mom said Dad will go to school and meet the teacher and told me not to worry. So the next day, me with unfinished work came to school and I got punished and cried. Dad was late. He came right after I had my punishment. Dad talked to the teach...