It just makes me feel sick in my stomach.. Maybe to anyone else it's harmless but anyone else is NOT me.. I don't know what you have in mind because what's happening does not sound or seem like you at all..i will remind you..if you are read this blog..and if you are not totally sure what i am say..just be shut up! and please don't say anything that will wrong way attention.. (baru mukadimah) im start..Every single day now and then you make me so pissed.. In fact you made me pissed more every each day.. Now I have got to my limit.. You really crossed the line and I believe you is enjoying this and you would be happy for this.. How sweet ! I am not sorry for what I have done and said to you.. Now it appears to me that you really deserved all that.. You absolutely do..
Nobody really knows what went wrong.. No doubt people will think that the biggest culprit and the one on the bad side is me.. The truth only you and I know.. he does not know you like I do.. Nobody understands you like I do.. And to 'he' , you are unbelievable ! It stops right here.. Too bad it ends awfully.. So long..