It is sad knowing that my hang out friends which are my good friends are leaving pretty soon.. One of them have left few months ago..LIPAS left for Egypt..I felt his absence, I know we all do..I admire SYAFIQAH for the strength that she has being miles away from her beloved..She used to have him around her everyday..Of course she missed him a lot but she seems to be handling it pretty well..Even I am not that strong, I guess..
Next is FIQ..He'll be leaving for New Zealand..We just got pretty close for some reasons, and soon he's leaving too..Then it will be Aizat, Sabrina, Lina and Alice Chong..They'll be leaving for New Zealand soon..Maybe some of them think that they might not make it there but I am sure they would..As much as I don't want them to leave me, I still hope they will do well wherever they are..I guess 2010 is going to be something new for me..What I have in 2009, I might not have next year..It won't be the same..I like changes but I don't like bad changes..When all of them are miles away from me, Skype would be my best friend..I am sure I would be depending on Skype a lot..I demand them to have a Skype before they step on the airplane..I hope I will still have them despite the distance..