Like now, I have been changing my blog fonts from Verdana to Arial, from smaller to larger. I like Verdana but it seems too big, when I set it smaller, it's too small. Then I changed to Arial, looking at Arial is not as satisfying as Verdana. hmm I know it may be not a big deal to most of you but fonts is a big deal to me. If a blog has fonts that hurt my eyes or just not friendly reading, I won't read. I don't like too big or too small fonts.
Then when it comes to where to eat or lepak, seriously don't ask me. My answer will be nothing but mana mana je lah. If I myself got that kind of answer I will be pissed off because the reason I asked is because I want an exact answer. So I might have pissed some people too.If you want to go somewhere, don't ask me where. Because such place as mana mana je lah doesn't exist. If I know where I want to go, I'll just tell. No need to ask.
Don't let me start on boys matter. That's the worst part of me being indecisive. Because this involves people's feelings and most of the times they get hurt and then I'll feel bad and then we become strangers and then things get awkward and then this and then that. It sucks. Just because I am bad in making decision, I had to hurt someone or be hurt. What is fair in that ?
The fact that I don't like to make choices and that I hate limitations in everything are maybe the reasons why I am indecisive. It's not the font, the people who asked where to go, and not even the boys' fault. It's me, yeah me. I got to stick to one type of font, answer what's asked andddd that boy part, I shall skip.