You were not really there.You said we will have each other.The fact is,only you're the one who's having me and I was not really having you.It seemed like it was only me and in everything,I never really fancied one man show.That was what happened.You didn't take a look at that.I did everything I could and often I received negative feedback from you.We squabbled a lot.That's all we did and that didn't make any of us happy at all.To one point my heart just stopped from everything.It''s like it doesn't know you anymore.It just felt numb.Well,another one arrived.Made me smile,made me laugh until my tummy hurts.I am amused with his presence.Although it doesn't seem real,but it's just good enough for me.At the same time,you returned.Why now? Why do you have to return when things are all good for me.You came back when I need to the least.You were gone when I needed you the most.I guess time is not on our side.Nothing is.It shouldn't be so hard should it?Now I'm clueless.I'm torn.I know I'm fine with or without you but the presence of the third party has made things more complicated.I guess I just need some time to figure things out.