I had a rough week last week starting from Monday to Wednesday and it didn't stop up to Friday.. God knows how torturing it was.. I woke up kind of bad Monday morning..
went on at noon.. got a little bit emotional.. Previous posts prove it all..(if u guys still remember) My mind was beyond messed up..
Then I just stop and felt like I need to go to office and just clear my work..
So I did..
went on at noon.. got a little bit emotional.. Previous posts prove it all..(if u guys still remember) My mind was beyond messed up..
Then I just stop and felt like I need to go to office and just clear my work..
So I did..

At around 11pm i went together with URTV Teams, En.Bad..abg ART..n some of..
This MONSOON trip has been planned for a month I think but it only happened lastweek..
Sadly it was without the people I planned with..(ruhaya)
We reached TERANGGANU at around 12pm.. hung out for a while.. cam whoring.. OMG Abg.ART is a big time cam whore I tell you ! We waited until the sun sets.. Been so long in bus since I went to the Terengganu the weather are so bad.. is raining without non-stop..
It was very nightmare explorer.. Then we had dinner (around 3.am at R&R (Temerloh) at this I don't know how they can take nasi lemak on this hour..
Yela, pagi2 makan nasi lemak..nanti ade terkentot x ke busyuk? hehe..
Anyway the food was not bad at all.. At around 3.30am something we went straight to KT..
around 9.am 1 Dec 09 we found our hotel
it is Felda Hotel is near with Pulau Duyong Terengganu.
-ninieriena..me..and masturiena-
-kak shana still tough to make sure
"well actually have a lot of story and picture..
but im tooooooooooooooo lazy to write n upload..
lazy is my middle name sometimes..hehe peace"